
Poor man’s soup for dinner. My 2 year olds favorite. LolΒ πŸ€ͺΒ I got the hamburger meat on sale and threw in some veggies. Less than $ 3 for a family of 4.

*Edit. I used 3 cups water, 2 cans mixed veggies drained, 1 pound ground beef and a .49 beef stew packet from Kroger.Β πŸ™ˆΒ It’s delicious, I promise

Budget-Friendly Hamburger Vegetable Soup


  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 2 cans mixed vegetables, drained
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 packet (0.49 oz) beef stew seasoning mix
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional: A pinch of dried herbs like thyme or oregano for added flavor


  1. Brown the Ground Beef:
    • In a large pot over medium heat, brown the ground beef. Break it up with a spoon as it cooks until fully browned.
  2. Drain Excess Fat:
    • If there’s excess fat, drain it off.
  3. Add Vegetables:
    • Add the drained mixed vegetables to the pot with the browned beef. Stir well to combine.
  4. Seasoning:
    • Sprinkle the beef stew seasoning mix over the meat and vegetables. Stir to evenly distribute the seasoning.
  5. Add Water:
    • Pour in the 3 cups of water. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
  6. Simmer:
    • Bring the soup to a simmer over medium heat. Once simmering, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes to allow the flavors to meld.
  7. Season to Taste:
    • Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper to your liking. If you want, add a pinch of dried herbs like thyme or oregano for extra flavor.
  8. Serve:
    • Once everything is well combined and the flavors have melded, your Poor Man’s Soup is ready to be served.
  9. Enjoy:
    • Ladle the soup into bowls and serve hot. You can pair it with some crusty bread or crackers for a more filling meal.

This simple and economical soup is not only budget-friendly but also delicious. It’s a great way to make a hearty and satisfying meal for your family without breaking the bank. Feel free to customize it further based on your family’s preferences!

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