mom recipe

This is something my mom made when I was younger for all of us kids! (All 7 of us)
Cheesy chicken casserole. It’s CHEAP and SUPER good!
Extra wide egg noodles
2 cans of chicken
3 cans of cream of mushroom soup
2 packs of whatever shredded cheese you like
Boil your egg noodles until they are all done. Drain them, then add them to a casserole dish and add all your other ingredients, mix all together. Once it’s mixed, add extra cheese on top (we like ours super cheesy so I add almost half a bag 😂)
Then throw it in the oven at 400 until the cheese is nice and melted. It’s super easy, super cheap and also super filling if you have a big family!
I like to drizzle some ranch on top of mine

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