Pepperoni pizza pasta

Pepperoni pizza pasta

1 box of pasta (we did 2 to stretch the meal)
1 -2 jars of pasta sauce (depending on how much sauce you like)
3/4 cup of pepperoni
1b of ground beef
Whatever additional pizza toppings you like. We kept it simple.
1. Preheat the oven to 350. Cook pasta according to directions
2. While the pasta is cooking, cook the ground beef.
3. Drain the pasta. Return pasta to pot. Mix the ground beef, pasta, and sauce until we’ll mixed.
4. Scoop mixture into casserole dish. Top with cheese and pepperoni.
5. Bake approximately 15 minutes.


Traditional pepperoni pizza pasta, which typically includes pasta, marinara sauce, cheese, and pepperoni, is not low in carbohydrates. Pasta is a high-carb ingredient, and when combined with marinara sauce and other toppings, it can be a significant source of carbohydrates.

If you’re looking for a low-carb alternative to enjoy the flavors of pepperoni pizza pasta, you might consider using a low-carb pasta substitute made from ingredients like almond flour, coconut flour, or zucchini noodles. Additionally, you can use a low-carb or sugar-free marinara sauce and incorporate plenty of vegetables and proteins like grilled chicken or shrimp to create a satisfying, low-carb version of the dish.

Always check the nutrition labels of the ingredients you use to ensure they align with your dietary preferences and requirements.

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