

Homemade McCrib Sandwich


  • 1 Banquet Backyard BBQ Meal (Rib Patty)
  • 1 Deli Roll, lightly toasted in a skillet
  • 2 Kroger Fastfood Style Pickles, sliced
  • Sliced onion, to taste
  • 1 bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce (or use the sauce that the rib patty is packed in)


  1. Prepare the Rib Patty:
    • Cook the Banquet Backyard BBQ Meal according to the package instructions.
    • Once cooked, separate the rib patty from any accompanying sides. Keep the sauce that the rib patty is packed in.
  2. Toast the Deli Roll:
    • Heat a skillet over medium heat.
    • Lightly toast the deli roll in the skillet until it reaches your desired level of crispiness.
  3. Assemble the Sandwich:
    • Place the toasted deli roll on a clean surface.
    • Spread a generous amount of the reserved rib patty sauce on the bottom half of the roll.
  4. Add the Rib Patty:
    • Carefully place the cooked rib patty on top of the sauced half of the roll.
  5. Layer with Pickles and Onion:
    • Arrange the sliced Kroger Fastfood Style Pickles on top of the rib patty.
    • Add sliced onions to your liking.
  6. Drizzle with Additional BBQ Sauce (Optional):
    • If desired, drizzle a bit more of your favorite BBQ sauce on top of the pickles and onions for extra flavor.
  7. Top with the Other Half of the Roll:
    • Place the other half of the toasted deli roll on top to complete the sandwich.
  8. Serve and Enjoy:
    • Slice the sandwich in half if you prefer.
    • Serve your Homemade McCrib Sandwich with your favorite side dishes or enjoy it on its own.

Now you have a delicious and cost-effective homemade McRib alternative that captures the essence of the beloved fast-food favorite!

Creating the perfect Homemade McCrib Sandwich involves a combination of techniques and attention to detail. Here are some tips to help you make the best homemade version of the McRib:

  1. Enhance the Rib Patty:
    • Season the Banquet Backyard BBQ Meal rib patty with additional spices if desired, such as garlic powder, onion powder, or smoked paprika, to elevate its flavor.
  2. Toasting the Deli Roll:
    • Toasting the deli roll in a skillet with a bit of butter or oil can add an extra layer of flavor and a pleasing texture to the sandwich.
  3. Pickle Placement:
    • Ensure even distribution of the sliced pickles across the rib patty to ensure every bite has a balanced flavor.
  4. Fresh Ingredients:
    • Use fresh onions for a crisp texture and a more vibrant flavor. You can also soak the sliced onions in cold water for a few minutes to reduce their sharpness.
  5. Sauce Application:
    • Spread a generous amount of the reserved rib patty sauce on the bottom half of the roll. This will infuse the entire sandwich with the rich, savory flavor.
  6. Extra BBQ Sauce:
    • Drizzle additional BBQ sauce on top of the pickles and onions if you want an extra saucy and flavorful sandwich.
  7. Melting Cheese (Optional):
    • Consider adding a slice of your favorite cheese to the rib patty during the last moments of cooking to achieve a melty, gooey texture.
  8. Grill Marks:
    • If you have a grill pan, you can use it to give the rib patty and the deli roll those coveted grill marks, adding a touch of authenticity to your homemade sandwich.
  9. Serving Suggestions:
    • Pair your Homemade McCrib Sandwich with classic sides like coleslaw, potato wedges, or a simple green salad to complete the meal.
  10. Experiment with Toppings:
    • Feel free to experiment with additional toppings like shredded lettuce, tomato slices, or jalapeΓ±os for a personalized touch.
  11. Customize the BBQ Sauce:
    • If you have time, consider making your own BBQ sauce with a mix of ketchup, brown sugar, vinegar, and spices to tailor the flavors to your liking.
  12. Warm the Pickles:
    • If you prefer a warmer pickle experience, you can briefly heat the sliced pickles in the skillet or microwave before adding them to the sandwich.

Remember, the key is to have fun and customize the Homemade McCrib Sandwich to suit your taste preferences. Enjoy your delicious and budget-friendly creation

Q1: Can I use a different brand of BBQ meal for the rib patty?

A: Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with different brands or even make your own seasoned and grilled pork patties. Adjust the seasoning to match the McRib flavor profile.

Q2: Can I use a different type of bread for the sandwich?

A: Yes, you can. While the recipe suggests a deli roll, you can use other types of bread like ciabatta, hoagie rolls, or even a soft hamburger bun based on your preference.

Q3: How can I make the sandwich less messy?

A: To minimize mess, you can drain excess liquid from the rib patty before assembling the sandwich. Additionally, you can use a slotted spoon to add pickles to reduce excess moisture.

Q4: Can I make the rib patties ahead of time and reheat them?

A: Yes, you can prepare the rib patties in advance. Reheat them in the oven or on a skillet before assembling the sandwich to maintain their texture and flavor.

Q5: Is there a way to make the sandwich healthier?

A: For a healthier option, consider using leaner cuts of pork or substituting with a plant-based alternative. You can also use whole-grain bread and increase the vegetable-to-meat ratio.

Q6: Can I freeze the rib patties for later use?

A: Yes, you can freeze the cooked rib patties. Allow them to cool, wrap them individually, and store them in airtight containers. Reheat when ready to use, but be mindful of potential texture changes.

Q7: What sides pair well with the Homemade McCrib Sandwich?

A: Classic sides such as coleslaw, potato wedges, or a side salad complement the sandwich well. Experiment with your favorite side dishes to find the perfect combination.

Q8: Can I customize the BBQ sauce for the sandwich?

A: Absolutely! Experiment with different BBQ sauces or create your own by adjusting the sweetness, tanginess, and spiciness levels according to your taste preferences.

Q9: Can I add cheese to the Homemade McCrib Sandwich?

A: Yes, adding a slice of cheese to the rib patty during the last moments of cooking can provide a delicious, melty element to the sandwich.

Q10: How do I store leftovers?

A: Store any leftover rib patties, assembled sandwiches, or components separately in airtight containers in the refrigerator. Reheat in the oven or on the skillet for the best results.

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