Jalapeño Glazed Chicken Thighs


Peach-Jalapeño Glazed Chicken Thighs: A Perfect Blend of Sweet and Spicy

Indulge in the tantalizing combination of sweet, juicy peaches and spicy jalapeños with these Peach-Jalapeño Glazed Chicken Thighs. Perfect for a summer evening barbecue or a cozy family dinner, this dish offers a delightful harmony of flavors. The succulent chicken thighs are beautifully caramelized with a luscious glaze, creating a mouthwatering experience that will leave you and your loved ones craving more.

Ingredients Overview

Boneless, Skinless Chicken Thighs (4 pieces)

  • Juicy and flavorful, these thighs are the perfect base for absorbing the rich glaze.

Peaches (2, diced)

  • Fresh, ripe peaches bring a natural sweetness and vibrant color to the dish.

Jalapeño (1, sliced)

  • Adds a kick of heat that perfectly balances the sweetness of the peaches.

Olive Oil (2 tablespoons)

  • Used for grilling the chicken, ensuring it remains moist and tender.

Honey (1/4 cup)

  • Provides a sticky sweetness that helps the glaze caramelize beautifully.

Soy Sauce (2 tablespoons)

  • Adds a savory umami depth to the glaze.

Garlic (2 cloves, minced)

  • Infuses the glaze with a fragrant, aromatic flavor.

Apple Cider Vinegar (1 tablespoon)

  • Brings a tangy brightness that enhances all the other flavors.

Salt and Pepper (to taste)

  • Essential for seasoning the chicken thighs.

Fresh Cilantro (chopped, for garnish)

  • Adds a fresh, herbaceous finish to the dish.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Preheat the Grill:

  1. Heat the Grill: Preheat your grill to medium-high heat, ensuring it’s ready for the chicken.

Prepare the Glaze: 2. Mix the Glaze: In a small bowl, whisk together the honey, soy sauce, minced garlic, and apple cider vinegar until well combined.

Season the Chicken: 3. Season and Oil: Season the chicken thighs with salt and pepper, then brush them generously with olive oil.

Grill the Chicken: 4. Grill the Chicken: Place the chicken thighs on the grill and cook for 6-7 minutes per side, or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C).

Prepare the Peach-Jalapeño Mixture: 5. Cook the Peaches and Jalapeños: While the chicken is grilling, heat a skillet over medium heat and add the diced peaches and sliced jalapeño. 6. Add the Glaze: Pour the honey mixture over the peaches and jalapeño, cooking for about 5 minutes until the sauce thickens slightly.

Glaze the Chicken: 7. Brush with Glaze: Once the chicken is done, brush it with the peach-jalapeño glaze and grill for an additional 1-2 minutes per side to caramelize the glaze.

Serve: 8. Plate and Garnish: Serve the chicken topped with the remaining peach-jalapeño mixture and garnish with fresh cilantro.

Storage and Reheating Tips


  • Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.


  • Reheat the chicken in a preheated oven at 350°F (175°C) for about 10-15 minutes or until warmed through. Alternatively, you can reheat it in a skillet over medium heat.

Helpful Tips for Enhancing the Recipe

Use Fresh Ingredients: Fresh peaches and jalapeños make a significant difference in flavor and texture.

Adjust the Heat: If you prefer less heat, remove the seeds from the jalapeño before slicing.

Marinate the Chicken: For extra flavor, marinate the chicken thighs in the glaze mixture for at least 30 minutes before grilling.

Try Other Fruits: Substitute peaches with apricots or nectarines for a different flavor profile.

Grill Pan Option: If you don’t have a grill, use a grill pan on the stove for similar results.

Baste Frequently: Baste the chicken frequently with the glaze while grilling for a deeper flavor.

Charcoal Grill: Use a charcoal grill for a smoky flavor that complements the sweetness of the peaches.

Double the Glaze: Make extra glaze to serve on the side for those who like more sauce.

Check Doneness: Use a meat thermometer to ensure the chicken reaches the safe internal temperature.

Rest the Chicken: Let the chicken rest for a few minutes after grilling to retain its juices.

Garnish Generously: Don’t skimp on the fresh cilantro; it adds a burst of freshness.

Popular Questions and Answers

Can I use chicken breasts instead of thighs?

  • Yes, you can substitute chicken breasts, but adjust the grilling time as they may cook faster.

What if I don’t have a grill?

  • You can cook the chicken in a grill pan or a regular skillet on the stove.

Is there a vegetarian option for this recipe?

  • Try using tofu or portobello mushrooms as a substitute for chicken.

How can I make this dish spicier?

  • Add an extra jalapeño or use a hotter pepper like a serrano.

Can I prepare the glaze ahead of time?

  • Yes, the glaze can be made a day in advance and stored in the refrigerator.

What sides go well with this dish?

  • Serve with a fresh salad, grilled vegetables, or a light quinoa salad.

Can I use frozen peaches?

  • Fresh peaches are best, but frozen peaches can be used if they are thawed and drained well.

How do I keep the chicken moist?

  • Brushing the chicken with olive oil and not overcooking are key to keeping it moist.

What if the glaze is too thick?

  • If the glaze thickens too much, add a splash of water or apple cider vinegar to thin it out.

Can I bake the chicken instead of grilling?

  • Yes, bake at 375°F (190°C) for about 25-30 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C).

Secrets for Achieving Culinary Perfection

Balance the Flavors: Ensure the sweet, spicy, and tangy elements are well balanced for a harmonious taste.

Use a Meat Thermometer: To avoid overcooking, use a meat thermometer to check for doneness.

Let it Marinate: Marinating the chicken in the glaze before cooking enhances the flavor.

Fresh Herbs: Always use fresh cilantro for garnish to add a bright, herbaceous note.

Even Slices: Slice the jalapeños evenly to ensure consistent heat distribution.

Quality Olive Oil: Use high-quality olive oil for grilling to add a subtle, rich flavor.

Glaze Consistency: Cook the glaze until it thickens slightly but is still pourable for the best coating.

Char for Flavor: Allow the chicken to char slightly on the grill for a deeper, smoky flavor.

Season Generously: Don’t be afraid to season the chicken well with salt and pepper before grilling.

Rest the Meat: Let the chicken rest after grilling to keep it juicy and flavorful.

By following these tips and instructions, you’ll create a dish that’s not only visually stunning but also bursting with flavor. Enjoy your culinary journey with these delectable Peach-Jalapeño Glazed Chicken Thighs

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