Inspired NoodleStir

Dish: Quick Asian-Inspired Noodle Stir-Fry


  • 8 oz ramen noodles (discard the seasoning packets)
  • 1 lb ground meat (beef, chicken, or turkey)
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon garlic salt
  • 3 cups cabbage mix (shredded cabbage and carrots)
  • 2 tablespoons sesame oil
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce (adjust to taste)
  • 2 tablespoons teriyaki sauce (adjust to taste)
  • Green onions, chopped (for garnish, optional)
  • Sesame seeds (for garnish, optional)


  1. Prepare the Noodles:
    • Bring a large pot of water to a boil.
    • Cook the ramen noodles according to the package instructions. Drain and set aside.
  2. Cook the Meat:
    • In a large pan or wok, cook the ground meat over medium-high heat until browned.
    • Add minced garlic and garlic salt to the meat, stirring well to incorporate the flavors.
  3. Add Cabbage Mix:
    • Once the meat is cooked through, add the cabbage mix to the pan.
    • Stir-fry until the cabbage is tender but still has a bit of crunch.
  4. Combine with Noodles:
    • Add the cooked and drained noodles to the pan with the meat and cabbage.
    • Drizzle sesame oil over the mixture and toss everything together to combine.
  5. Season the Dish:
    • Pour soy sauce and teriyaki sauce over the noodle mixture, adjusting the amounts to your liking.
    • Continue tossing the ingredients until the noodles are evenly coated with the sauces.
  6. Garnish and Serve:
    • If desired, garnish the dish with chopped green onions and sesame seeds for added flavor and texture.
    • Serve the Asian-inspired noodle stir-fry immediately, and enjoy your quick and delicious dinner!

This dish is not only quick to prepare but also customizable based on your family’s preferences. Feel free to add more vegetables or experiment with different protein options to make it your own!

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