๐Ÿ‘‰HamCheese Sticks



Ham and Cheese Sticks Recipe

These Ham and Cheese Sticks are a delightful, easy-to-make snack that combines the savory flavors of deli ham and cheddar cheese, all wrapped in flaky crescent dough and topped with a delicious buttery glaze. Perfect for a quick appetizer, a lunchbox treat, or a fun party snack, these sticks will quickly become a household favorite.

Ingredients Overview

Main Ingredients

  • Crescent Dough Sheets: These provide a flaky and buttery base for the sticks.
  • Deli-Sliced Ham: Adds a savory and juicy layer inside the dough.
  • Cheddar Cheese Sticks: Melts into a gooey, cheesy center.
  • Butter: Used for the glaze, adding richness and flavor.
  • Worcestershire Sauce, Dijon Mustard, Dried Minced Onion, and Poppy Seeds: These combine to create a flavorful glaze that elevates the dish.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1: Preheat the Oven

Preheat your oven to 350ยฐF (175ยฐC). Prepare a baking sheet by greasing it or lining it with parchment paper.

Step 2: Prepare the Dough

Roll Out the Crescent Dough: Roll out your crescent dough sheets and cut each one into 4 pieces, resulting in 8 pieces total.

Step 3: Assemble the Sticks

Distribute the Ham: Place the deli-sliced ham evenly among the 8 pieces of dough. Add the Cheese: Place a cheddar cheese stick on top of the ham on each piece. Fold and Roll: Fold in the ends of each piece of dough and then roll to seal.

Step 4: Arrange on Baking Sheet

Place on Baking Sheet: Arrange the prepared sticks on the baking sheet.

Step 5: Make the Glaze

Mix Ingredients: In a small bowl, mix together melted butter, Worcestershire sauce, Dijon mustard, dried minced onion (or onion powder), and poppy seeds.

Step 6: Glaze the Sticks

Brush with Glaze: Generously brush the butter mixture over each stick.

Step 7: Bake

Bake in Oven: Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the sticks turn golden brown.

Step 8: Serve

Serve Hot: Enjoy your Ham and Cheese Sticks hot and fresh from the oven!

Valuable Tips for Seamless Cooking

Helpful Tip: Use Room Temperature Dough
Using dough at room temperature makes it easier to roll and shape without tearing.

Helpful Tip: Even Layer of Ham
Ensure the ham slices are evenly distributed to prevent uneven cooking.

Helpful Tip: Secure the Ends Well
Seal the ends of the dough tightly to prevent the cheese from leaking out during baking.

Storage and Reheating Tips


  • Refrigerate: Store any leftover sticks in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.


  • Oven: Reheat in the oven at 350ยฐF (175ยฐC) for about 10 minutes to retain the crispiness.
  • Microwave: Reheat in the microwave on medium power for about 1-2 minutes, though this may result in a softer texture.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use different types of cheese?

  • Answer: Yes, feel free to experiment with different types of cheese such as mozzarella, Swiss, or pepper jack for varied flavors.

2. Can I add additional fillings?

  • Answer: Absolutely! Try adding sliced jalapeรฑos, spinach, or even a thin layer of mustard for extra flavor.

3. Can I use puff pastry instead of crescent dough?

  • Answer: Yes, puff pastry can be used, though the texture will be slightly different, more flaky and buttery.

4. How do I prevent the cheese from leaking out?

  • Answer: Ensure you fold and seal the dough tightly around the cheese stick to minimize leakage.

5. Can I make these ahead of time?

  • Answer: You can assemble the sticks ahead of time and refrigerate them until you are ready to bake.

6. Are there any substitutions for Worcestershire sauce in the glaze?

  • Answer: Soy sauce or balsamic vinegar can be used as a substitute, though the flavor will be slightly different.

7. Can I use fresh onions instead of dried minced onion?

  • Answer: Yes, finely chopped fresh onions can be used, but sautรฉ them lightly before adding to the glaze mixture.

8. How can I make the glaze spicier?

  • Answer: Add a dash of hot sauce or a pinch of cayenne pepper to the glaze mixture for some heat.

9. Can these be frozen?

  • Answer: Yes, you can freeze them before baking. Just ensure they are tightly wrapped to prevent freezer burn.

10. What can I serve with these sticks?

  • Answer: Serve with a side of marinara sauce, honey mustard, or a fresh salad for a complete meal.

11. Can I use whole grain or gluten-free dough?

  • Answer: Yes, whole grain or gluten-free crescent dough can be used to suit dietary preferences.

12. How do I ensure the dough cooks evenly?

  • Answer: Make sure to spread the sticks out evenly on the baking sheet and avoid overcrowding.

13. What other seasonings can I add to the glaze?

  • Answer: Try adding garlic powder, paprika, or Italian seasoning for added flavor.

14. Can I make these on a grill?

  • Answer: Yes, they can be grilled on a medium heat setting, just use a grill-safe baking sheet.

15. How do I keep the sticks warm for serving?

  • Answer: Keep them in a warm oven (about 200ยฐF or 93ยฐC) until ready to serve.

16. Can I use turkey or chicken instead of ham?

  • Answer: Yes, thinly sliced turkey or chicken can be used as a substitute for ham.

17. How do I prevent the dough from becoming soggy?

  • Answer: Ensure the cheese sticks are well chilled before wrapping in dough, and bake immediately after assembly.

18. Can I use flavored cheese sticks?

  • Answer: Flavored cheese sticks like jalapeรฑo cheddar or garlic herb can add an extra layer of flavor.

19. How can I make these sticks more kid-friendly?

  • Answer: Use milder cheeses and omit any strong-flavored ingredients in the glaze to suit younger palates.

20. Can I serve these cold?

  • Answer: While they are best enjoyed warm, they can be served cold and still taste delicious.

Top 20 Secrets for Culinary Perfection

Secret 1: Chill Cheese Sticks
Chilling the cheese sticks before assembly helps prevent them from melting too quickly during baking.

Secret 2: Brush with Egg Wash
For a shinier and more golden crust, brush the dough with a light egg wash before baking.

Secret 3: Use a Baking Stone
Using a baking stone can help achieve a perfectly crispy crust.

Secret 4: Add Fresh Herbs
Incorporate fresh herbs like thyme or rosemary into the glaze for added flavor complexity.

Secret 5: Double Up on Cheese
Layer a slice of cheese directly on the dough before adding the cheese stick for extra cheesiness.

Secret 6: Garlic Butter
Mix minced garlic into the melted butter for the glaze for a garlic-infused finish.

Secret 7: Par-Bake the Dough
Par-bake the dough for a few minutes before adding the ham and cheese to prevent sogginess.

Secret 8: Experiment with Fillings
Try adding other fillings like sliced bell peppers, mushrooms, or spinach for variety.

Secret 9: Crispy Bacon
Add a strip of crispy bacon alongside the cheese stick for a smoky flavor.

Secret 10: Honey Mustard Dip
Serve with a homemade honey mustard dip for a sweet and tangy contrast.

Secret 11: Use Flavored Butter
Infuse the melted butter with herbs and spices for a more flavorful glaze.

Secret 12: Bake on Convection Setting
If available, use the convection setting on your oven for a more evenly baked product.

Secret 13: Add a Hint of Sweetness
Sprinkle a tiny bit of brown sugar into the glaze mixture for a subtle sweetness.

Secret 14: Cheese Varieties
Mix different cheeses like gouda and mozzarella for a complex cheese flavor.

Secret 15: Preheat the Baking Sheet
Preheating the baking sheet ensures a crispy bottom on the dough.

Secret 16: Freshly Ground Pepper
Use freshly ground black pepper in the glaze for a more vibrant flavor.

Secret 17: Bacon-Wrapped
Wrap the ham and cheese in a slice of bacon before wrapping in dough for added indulgence.

Secret 18: Keep Dough Cold
Keep the dough cold until ready to use to make it easier to work with and prevent sticking.

Secret 19: Brush with Garlic Butter Post-Bake
For extra flavor, brush with garlic butter immediately after baking.

Secret 20: Serve with Dips
Provide an assortment of dips like ranch, marinara, or BBQ sauce to cater to different tastes.

Enjoy preparing and serving these delightful Ham and Cheese Sticks, and impress your family and friends with your culinary expertise

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