👉Cherry Filled Crescent Rolls



Cherry Filled Crescent Rolls: A Sweet Symphony of Flavors

Transform your kitchen into a haven of comforting aromas with these delightful Cherry Filled Crescent Rolls. This recipe combines the flaky goodness of crescent rolls with a luscious cream cheese filling and sweet cherry pie topping, creating a dessert that’s both easy to make and irresistibly delicious. Perfect for breakfast, brunch, or a cozy dessert, these rolls promise to bring joy to your table and a smile to your face.

Ingredients Overview

1 (8-Count) Can Crescent Rolls

  • Flaky and buttery, these crescent rolls form the perfect base and topping for our dessert.

1 (21-Ounce) Can Pie Filling of Your Choice (Cherry Preferred)

  • Choose your favorite pie filling, with cherry adding a delightful tartness that complements the sweet and creamy layers.

½ Cup Granulated Sugar (for Filling)

  • Sweetens the cream cheese mixture, balancing the tanginess of the cream cheese.

¼ Cup Additional Granulated Sugar (for Topping)

  • Sprinkled over the top to add a delightful crunch and extra sweetness after baking.

1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

  • Adds a warm, aromatic flavor to the cream cheese filling.

12 Ounces Cream Cheese, Softened

  • Creamy and rich, this ingredient forms the luxurious layer between the crescent rolls and the pie filling.

½ Stick Unsalted Butter

  • Melted and poured over the top to add richness and help the topping caramelize beautifully.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Preheat the Oven:

1. Prepare Your Oven

  • Preheat: Set your oven to 350°F (175°C). This ensures that the rolls bake evenly and achieve a beautiful golden color.

Prepare the Base Layer:

2. Line the Pan

  • Line: Grease an 8×8-inch baking pan. Open the can of crescent rolls and place four rolls on the bottom of the pan, spreading them out to cover the base entirely.

Make the Cream Cheese Filling:

3. Mix the Cream Cheese

  • Blend: In a large mixing bowl, combine the softened cream cheese and ½ cup of granulated sugar. Beat until the mixture is smooth and well blended.

4. Add Vanilla

  • Flavor: Add the vanilla extract to the cream cheese mixture and beat again until fully incorporated.

5. Spread the Filling

  • Layer: Spread the cream cheese mixture evenly over the crescent roll base in the pan.

Add the Cherry Filling:

6. Pour the Cherry Filling

  • Top: Pour the cherry pie filling over the cream cheese layer, spreading it out evenly to cover the entire surface.

Top with Remaining Crescent Rolls:

7. Add the Top Layer

  • Layer: Place the remaining four crescent rolls over the cherry filling, arranging them to cover the filling completely.

Add Butter and Sugar:

8. Melt Butter

  • Melt: In a small saucepan or microwave, melt the unsalted butter.

9. Add Butter and Sugar

  • Drizzle: Pour the melted butter evenly over the top layer of crescent rolls.
  • Sprinkle: Sprinkle the additional ¼ cup of granulated sugar over the buttered crescent rolls for a sweet and crunchy finish.

Bake the Rolls:

10. Bake

  • Bake: Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake for 30-45 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and the filling is bubbly.

Storage and Reheating Tips


  • Cool Completely: Allow the rolls to cool completely at room temperature.
  • Refrigeration: Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.


  • Oven Method: Reheat in a preheated oven at 350°F for 10 minutes to maintain the crispiness of the crescent rolls.
  • Microwave Method: For a quicker option, reheat individual servings in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Note that this method may soften the crescent rolls.

Helpful Tips for Enhancing the Recipe

Choose Quality Crescent Rolls: Opt for high-quality crescent rolls for the best texture and flavor.

Softening Cream Cheese: Ensure the cream cheese is fully softened before mixing to achieve a smooth, lump-free filling.

Use Fresh Lemon Zest: Add a touch of fresh lemon zest to the cream cheese mixture for an extra layer of flavor.

Experiment with Fillings: Try different pie fillings like blueberry, apple, or peach for a delightful variation.

Enhance the Topping: Mix a little cinnamon into the sugar topping for a warm, spiced flavor.

Popular Questions and Answers

Can I use low-fat cream cheese?

  • Answer: Yes, low-fat cream cheese can be used, but the texture may be slightly less rich and creamy.

Can I make this recipe ahead of time?

  • Answer: Yes, you can prepare the rolls and refrigerate them unbaked for up to 24 hours. Bake them just before serving for the best texture.

What other pie fillings can I use?

  • Answer: Any pie filling will work well in this recipe. Try apple, blueberry, or peach for a different flavor experience.

How do I prevent the bottom layer from becoming soggy?

  • Answer: Make sure the cream cheese layer is spread evenly and that the cherry filling is not too watery.

Can I add nuts to this recipe?

  • Answer: Yes, chopped nuts like almonds or pecans can be added to the top for extra crunch and flavor.

Secrets for Achieving Culinary Perfection

Keep Ingredients Cool: Ensure the butter is cool before melting to prevent the dough from becoming too greasy.

Perfect the Texture: Beat the cream cheese mixture until it’s completely smooth to avoid lumps in the filling.

Layer Evenly: Spread each layer evenly to ensure every bite has a balance of all components.

Serve Fresh: These rolls are best served fresh out of the oven to enjoy the contrast of the warm, gooey filling and the crisp, golden crust.

Add a Twist: Experiment with adding spices or extracts, such as almond extract, to the cream cheese mixture for a unique flavor twist.

Indulge in the delightful simplicity of these Cherry Filled Crescent Rolls, a recipe that promises to become a favorite in your home. Enjoy the process and the delicious results

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