

some hot water cornbread! I’ve finally mastered the recipe 💛.
1 cup of corn meal mix
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of sugar
3/4 cup of boiling water
(This will make 4, so I do two rounds to make 8 )
Mix all together and heat any kind of oil (I used extra virgin olive oil) to a medium to high heat. I use a regular dinner spoon and scoop two scoops for each one in the skillet and flip each one after about a minute. They come out perfect and so delicious! Enjoy

Hot Water Cornbread


  • 2 cups cornmeal mix
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 1 ½ cups boiling water
  • Extra virgin olive oil, for frying


  1. Prepare Batter:
    • In a mixing bowl, combine cornmeal mix, salt, and sugar.
    • Gradually add boiling water to the dry ingredients, stirring continuously until a thick batter forms. Let it rest for a couple of minutes.
  2. Heat Oil:
    • Pour enough extra virgin olive oil into a skillet to cover the bottom generously. Heat over medium-high heat until the oil is hot but not smoking.
  3. Form and Fry Cornbread:
    • Using a regular dinner spoon, scoop out two spoonfuls of batter for each cornbread cake and gently drop them into the hot oil. You can shape them slightly with the back of the spoon if desired.
    • Fry the cornbread cakes for about a minute on each side or until they turn golden brown. Use a spatula to carefully flip them.
  4. Serve:
    • Once both sides are golden brown and crispy, transfer the cornbread cakes to a plate lined with paper towels to drain off excess oil.
  5. Enjoy:
    • Serve hot and enjoy your delicious hot water cornbread!


  • Adjust the thickness of the batter by adding more or less water to achieve your desired consistency.
  • Experiment with different types of oil for frying, such as vegetable oil or canola oil, based on your preference.
  • Serve hot water cornbread alongside your favorite dishes or enjoy them on their own as a tasty snack.

Here are some additional tips to enhance your cornbread-making experience:

  1. Customize with Add-Ins: Add extra flavor and texture to your cornbread by mixing in ingredients like chopped jalapeños, shredded cheese, cooked bacon bits, or diced onions before frying. Get creative and tailor the cornbread to suit your taste preferences.
  2. Spice it Up: For a kick of heat, incorporate spices like chili powder, cayenne pepper, or paprika into the batter. Adjust the amount according to your spice tolerance for a deliciously zesty cornbread.
  3. Try Different Shapes: While the traditional spoonful method works perfectly, you can also experiment with shaping the cornbread into patties, balls, or even mini muffins for a fun twist on presentation.
  4. Make Ahead and Freeze: Prepare a large batch of cornbread ahead of time and freeze the cooked cakes in a single layer on a baking sheet. Once frozen solid, transfer them to a freezer bag or airtight container. When ready to enjoy, simply reheat in a toaster oven or skillet until heated through.
  5. Serve with Dipping Sauces: Elevate your hot water cornbread by serving it with dipping sauces like honey butter, ranch dressing, salsa, or marinara sauce. The combination of crispy cornbread and flavorful dips will be a hit at any gathering.
  6. Pair with Soups and Stews: Hot water cornbread makes a perfect accompaniment to hearty soups, chili, or stew. The crispy exterior and tender interior soak up the delicious broth, adding an extra layer of satisfaction to your meal.
  7. Make it Vegan: To make a vegan version of hot water cornbread, simply substitute the extra virgin olive oil for frying with a plant-based oil like canola or vegetable oil. Ensure the cornmeal mix you use is also vegan-friendly, and enjoy your cruelty-free cornbread.

With these tips, you can take your hot water cornbread to the next level and impress your family and friends with your culinary skills. Enjoy your delicious creations

Here’s a FAQ section to address common queries about your hot water cornbread recipe:

Q: Can I use regular cornmeal instead of cornmeal mix? A: Yes, you can use regular cornmeal instead of cornmeal mix. Just ensure it’s finely ground for a smoother texture.

Q: How do I know when the oil is hot enough for frying? A: You can test the oil’s readiness by dropping a small amount of batter into it. If the batter sizzles and immediately starts cooking, the oil is hot enough.

Q: Can I bake the cornbread instead of frying it? A: While frying gives the cornbread its characteristic crispy exterior, you can bake it in a preheated oven at 375°F (190°C) for about 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.

Q: Can I make the batter ahead of time? A: Yes, you can prepare the batter ahead of time and store it covered in the refrigerator for up to a day. Just let it come to room temperature before frying.

Q: How do I store leftover cornbread? A: Store any leftover cornbread in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in a toaster oven or skillet until warmed through.

Q: Can I make gluten-free hot water cornbread? A: Yes, you can use a gluten-free cornmeal mix to make gluten-free hot water cornbread. Ensure all other ingredients are also gluten-free.

Q: Can I make the cornbread without sugar? A: Yes, you can omit the sugar if you prefer a savory cornbread. It won’t affect the overall texture significantly.

Q: How many cornbread cakes does this recipe make? A: This recipe makes approximately 8 cornbread cakes, with two spoonfuls of batter per cake.

Q: Can I freeze the cooked cornbread cakes? A: Yes, you can freeze the cooked cornbread cakes for up to 3 months. Reheat them in a toaster oven or skillet straight from the freezer until heated through.

These FAQs should help address any questions your readers might have about your delicious hot water cornbread recipe

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