👉Hobo Casserole



Rustic Campfire Beef and Potato Casserole: Comfort Food with a Twist

Imagine the warmth and comfort of a rustic campfire meal brought to your kitchen table. This Rustic Campfire Beef and Potato Casserole, often affectionately called “Hobo Casserole,” combines savory ground beef, tender potatoes, and gooey cheddar cheese, all enveloped in a creamy, flavorful sauce. It’s the perfect dish for cozy family dinners or a hearty meal with friends.

Ingredients Overview

Lean Ground Beef (1 lb)

  • Provides a rich and hearty base for the casserole.

Small Yellow Onion, Diced

  • Adds a sweet, aromatic flavor that complements the beef.

Medium Russet Potatoes, Peeled and Sliced (4)

  • These potatoes absorb the flavors beautifully and become tender in the casserole.

Cheddar Cheese, Grated (8 oz)

  • Melts into a deliciously gooey layer, adding a comforting creaminess.

Cream of Chicken Soup (1 10 oz Can)

  • Brings a savory depth and creaminess to the dish.

Cream of Potato Soup (1 10 oz Can)

  • Enhances the creamy texture and adds an extra layer of potato flavor.

Worcestershire Sauce (1 teaspoon)

  • Adds a tangy, umami flavor that boosts the overall taste.

Milk (¼ Cup)

  • Helps to thin the soup mixture, making it easy to pour and spread.

Creole Seasoning (1 teaspoon)

  • Adds a bit of a kick and a depth of flavor that sets this casserole apart.

Crispy French Fried Onions (â…“ Cup)

  • Provides a crunchy, flavorful topping that contrasts with the creamy casserole.

Salt and Pepper to Taste

  • Essential for seasoning the beef and enhancing the flavors of the dish.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Preheat the Oven:

  1. Preheat Your Oven: Set your oven to 350°F (175°C) to ensure it’s ready for baking.

Prepare the Base: 2. Add Ground Beef: Press the ground beef into the bottom of a 10″ cast iron skillet or a small casserole dish. 3. Season the Beef: Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste, ensuring the beef is well-seasoned. 4. Add Onions: Scatter the diced onions evenly over the beef layer.

Layer the Potatoes: 5. Slice and Layer Potatoes: Lay the peeled and sliced potatoes over the beef and onion layer, creating an even layer.

Add Cheese: 6. Sprinkle Cheese: Evenly distribute the grated cheddar cheese over the top of the potatoes.

Prepare the Sauce: 7. Mix the Sauce: In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the cream of chicken soup, cream of potato soup, Worcestershire sauce, milk, and Creole seasoning until well combined.

Assemble the Casserole: 8. Pour the Sauce: Pour the soup mixture over the cheese layer, spreading it carefully to cover the entire dish.

Bake: 9. Cover and Bake: Cover the skillet or casserole dish with aluminum foil and bake in the preheated oven for 1½ hours.

Add Crunchy Topping: 10. Add Fried Onions: Remove the foil and sprinkle the crispy French fried onions over the top of the casserole. 11. Broil: Place the casserole under the broiler for a few minutes until the onions are golden brown and crispy.

Serve: 12. Serve Hot: Let the casserole cool slightly before serving, allowing the flavors to meld and the dish to set.

Storage and Reheating Tips


  • Refrigerate: Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
  • Freeze: For longer storage, freeze portions in airtight containers for up to 3 months.


  • Oven: Reheat in the oven at 350°F (175°C) for 20-25 minutes or until heated through.
  • Microwave: For a quicker option, microwave individual portions on medium power for 2-3 minutes, stirring halfway through.

Helpful Tips for Enhancing the Recipe

Use Fresh Ingredients: Freshly grated cheese and diced onions can make a big difference in flavor.

Even Slices: Slice the potatoes evenly to ensure they cook uniformly.

Season Generously: Don’t be shy with salt and pepper; they enhance the overall flavor.

Try Different Cheeses: Swap cheddar for other cheeses like Gruyère or Monterey Jack for a different twist.

Add Vegetables: Incorporate vegetables like peas, carrots, or bell peppers for added nutrition and flavor.

Use Homemade Soup: If you have the time, homemade cream soups can elevate the dish.

Herb Garnish: Fresh parsley or chives sprinkled on top can add a fresh, vibrant touch.

Low-Sodium Options: Use low-sodium soups and seasonings to control the salt content.

Experiment with Meat: Substitute ground beef with ground turkey or chicken for a lighter version.

Double the Recipe: This casserole is great for feeding a crowd; simply double the ingredients and use a larger dish.

Popular Questions and Answers

Can I use a different type of potato?

  • Yes, Yukon Gold or red potatoes work well and add a different texture and flavor.

Is there a vegetarian version of this recipe?

  • Substitute the ground beef with a plant-based meat alternative and use cream of mushroom soup instead.

Can I make this casserole ahead of time?

  • Absolutely! Assemble it the day before, cover, and refrigerate. Bake it when ready to serve.

What can I use instead of Creole seasoning?

  • Cajun seasoning or a mix of paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, thyme, and cayenne pepper.

How can I make this casserole gluten-free?

  • Use gluten-free soups and fried onions.

Can I use a different type of cheese?

  • Yes, any melting cheese like mozzarella, Swiss, or Colby Jack would work.

What if I don’t have a cast iron skillet?

  • Use any oven-safe baking dish.

Is it necessary to peel the potatoes?

  • No, you can leave the skins on for added texture and nutrients.

How do I prevent the casserole from being too greasy?

  • Use lean ground beef and drain any excess fat after browning.

Can I add more spices?

  • Feel free to add garlic powder, paprika, or Italian seasoning to the beef for extra flavor.

Secrets for Achieving Culinary Perfection

Brown the Beef First: For added flavor, brown the ground beef in the skillet before assembling the casserole.

Layer Evenly: Ensure even layers for consistent cooking and balanced flavors.

Rest Before Serving: Let the casserole rest for a few minutes before serving to allow the layers to set.

Taste as You Go: Taste the sauce mixture before pouring it over the casserole to adjust seasoning if needed.

Use Fresh Herbs: Fresh herbs like thyme or rosemary can elevate the flavor profile.

Cheese Variety: Mix different types of cheese for a more complex flavor.

Don’t Rush the Bake: Ensure the casserole is baked long enough for the potatoes to become tender.

Homemade Broth: Use homemade chicken or vegetable broth in the soup mix for a richer taste.

Even Potato Slices: Use a mandoline for perfectly even potato slices.

Proper Seasoning: Season each layer to build a depth of flavor throughout the dish.


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