Air Fryer Cinnamon Roll Bites

Air Fryer Cinnamon Roll Bites Recipe


  • 1 can of refrigerated cinnamon rolls
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1-2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
  • Icing that comes with the cinnamon rolls
  • Optional: Cream cheese and butter for dipping


Step 1: Prepare the Cinnamon Roll Bites

  1. Open the can of refrigerated cinnamon rolls and cut each roll into four equal pieces.

Step 2: Air Fryer Cooking

  1. Preheat your air fryer to 350°F (175°C).
  2. Place half of the cinnamon roll bites in the air fryer basket, ensuring they are not overcrowded.
  3. Air fry for 3 minutes, then flip each bite over.
  4. Continue to air fry for an additional 2-3 minutes or until the bites are golden brown and cooked through. Repeat this process with the remaining batch of cinnamon roll bites.

Step 3: Cinnamon Sugar Coating

  1. While the second batch is air frying, mix the sugar and ground cinnamon in a bowl until well combined.
  2. Once the cinnamon roll bites are cooked, immediately transfer them to the cinnamon sugar mixture and toss until they are well coated.

Step 4: Serving

  1. Place the coated cinnamon roll bites on a serving platter.
  2. Optionally, heat the icing that came with the cinnamon rolls and drizzle it over the bites.
  3. Alternatively, prepare a dipping sauce by mixing cream cheese and butter to taste, and serve it alongside the cinnamon roll bites.

Step 5: Enjoy!

Serve these delicious air fryer cinnamon roll bites warm and enjoy the sweet, cinnamon goodness. Perfect for breakfast, brunch, or as a delightful snack!

Tips for Making the Best Air Fryer Cinnamon Roll Bites:

  1. Preheat the Air Fryer:
    • Ensure that your air fryer is preheated to the recommended temperature (350°F/175°C) before placing the cinnamon roll bites inside. This helps to achieve a crispy exterior.
  2. Avoid Overcrowding:
    • Arrange the cinnamon roll bites in a single layer in the air fryer basket, ensuring they are not too close together. This allows for proper air circulation and even cooking.
  3. Flip for Even Cooking:
    • Flip the cinnamon roll bites halfway through the cooking time. This ensures that both sides get evenly cooked and develop a golden brown color.
  4. Monitor Cooking Time:
    • Keep a close eye on the cooking time, as air fryers can vary. Adjust the cooking time as needed to prevent overcooking or undercooking. The goal is to achieve a crispy exterior while maintaining a soft and gooey interior.
  5. Prepare Cinnamon Sugar Mixture in Advance:
    • Mix the sugar and ground cinnamon in a bowl before starting the air frying process. This way, you can quickly coat the hot cinnamon roll bites as soon as they come out of the air fryer.
  6. Drizzle or Dip with Icing:
    • Customize the level of sweetness by drizzling the icing that came with the cinnamon rolls or preparing a separate dipping sauce with cream cheese and butter. This adds an extra layer of flavor and richness.
  7. Serve Warm:
    • Air fryer cinnamon roll bites are best enjoyed when served warm. The heat enhances the flavors and textures, making them more irresistible.
  8. Experiment with Toppings:
    • Get creative with toppings! Consider adding chopped nuts, raisins, or even a sprinkle of finely grated orange zest to enhance the flavor profile.
  9. Storage and Reheating:
    • If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container. To reheat, use the air fryer for a few minutes to regain the crispy texture.
  10. Experiment with Different Cinnamon Rolls:
    • Try different brands or varieties of refrigerated cinnamon rolls for unique flavor profiles. Some may have added ingredients like cream cheese or different spices.

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