
Cheesy Bacon Scalloped Potato Casserole


  • 1 box scalloped potatoes
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 can cream of potato soup
  • 1 pack bacon
  • Shredded cheese (cheddar or your preference)
  • Seasonings of your choice (salt, pepper, garlic powder, etc.)


  1. Preheat the Oven: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. Cook Hamburger Meat with Onions: In a skillet over medium heat, cook the ground beef with finely chopped onions. Season the meat with your preferred seasonings. Once fully cooked, drain excess fat.
  3. Prepare Creamy Potato Mixture: Mix the can of cream of potato soup with the cooked hamburger meat. Ensure it’s well combined.
  4. Layer the Casserole:
    • Place the uncooked scalloped potatoes in the bottom of a 13×9-inch baking pan.
    • In a separate bowl, prepare the sauce mix according to the instructions on the box.
    • Spread the hamburger meat and cream of potato mixture evenly over the uncooked scalloped potatoes.
    • Pour the prepared sauce mixture over the top.
  5. Bake in the Oven: Cook the casserole uncovered in the preheated oven for 25 minutes.
  6. Prepare Bacon: While the casserole is baking, cut the bacon into pieces and cook until crispy. Set aside.
  7. Add Bacon and Cheese Topping: After 25 minutes, remove the pan from the oven. Top the casserole with the cooked bacon pieces and shredded cheese.
  8. Return to the Oven: Place the casserole back in the oven for an additional 10 minutes or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
  9. Serve and Enjoy: Once the casserole is done, take it out of the oven and let it cool for a few minutes. Serve portions, and enjoy your delicious and hearty Cheesy Bacon Scalloped Potato Casserole!

This quick and easy meal is perfect for a comforting family dinner or when you need a satisfying dish in a pinch.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Cheesy Bacon Scalloped Potato Casserole:

Q1: Can I use a different type of meat in this casserole?

A1: Absolutely! Feel free to substitute ground beef with ground turkey, chicken, or even a meat alternative like crumbled tofu for a vegetarian version.

Q2: Can I add vegetables to the casserole?

A2: Yes, you can customize the casserole by adding vegetables like spinach, bell peppers, or mushrooms to the meat mixture for extra flavor and nutrition.

Q3: What type of shredded cheese works best?

A3: Cheddar cheese is a popular choice, but you can use any cheese you prefer. Monterey Jack, mozzarella, or a blend of cheeses can add different layers of flavor.

Q4: Can I make this casserole ahead of time?

A4: Yes, you can prepare the casserole up to the point of baking, cover it, and refrigerate it. When ready to serve, bake it in the preheated oven. Keep in mind that the baking time may need to be adjusted if the casserole is cold from the fridge.

Q5: Are there any recommended side dishes to serve with this casserole?

A5: This casserole is a complete meal on its own, but you can serve it with a side salad, steamed vegetables, or a crusty bread for a more substantial meal.

Q6: Can I freeze leftovers?

A6: Yes, you can freeze leftovers in an airtight container for future meals. Make sure to let it cool completely before freezing. Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating.

Q7: How can I make it spicier?

A7: Add diced jalapeños or a sprinkle of cayenne pepper to the meat mixture for some heat. You can also choose a spicier variety of shredded cheese.

Q8: Can I use fresh potatoes instead of scalloped potatoes from a box?

A8: Yes, you can thinly slice fresh potatoes as a substitute for the boxed scalloped potatoes. Adjust the cooking time as needed to ensure the potatoes are tender.

Q9: Can I make a smaller portion of this casserole?

A9: Yes, you can halve the ingredients and use a smaller baking dish for a smaller portion. Adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Q10: Is there a low-fat version of this recipe?

A10: To reduce the fat content, you can use lean ground meat, low-fat or fat-free cream of potato soup, and a reduced-fat cheese option. However, keep in mind that these substitutions may affect the overall flavor and texture.

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