Applebee’s Chicken Wonton Tacos


Applebee’s Chicken Wonton Tacos: A Delightful Fusion of Flavors

Indulge in the crispy, flavorful delight of Applebee’s Chicken Wonton Tacos, a perfect fusion of Asian-inspired ingredients wrapped in crunchy wonton shells. These tacos are not just a treat for your taste buds but also a feast for your eyes, making them a perfect choice for any gathering or a delightful dinner. With a harmonious blend of savory chicken, tangy Asian slaw, and a touch of sweet chili sauce, every bite is a burst of deliciousness. Let’s dive into the calming and satisfying process of creating these delightful tacos.

Ingredients Overview

Chicken Breasts (2, finely diced)

  • Lean protein, providing a hearty base for the tacos.

Hoisin Sauce (2 tbsp)

  • Adds a sweet and savory depth to the chicken.

Sesame Oil (2 tbsp total)

  • Imparts a nutty flavor, essential for authentic Asian cuisine.

Soy Sauce (2 tbsp total)

  • Provides a salty umami flavor, balancing the sweetness of the hoisin and honey.

Garlic (2 cloves, minced)

  • Fresh, aromatic garlic for a punch of flavor.

Fresh Ginger (1 tsp, minced)

  • Adds a zesty, slightly spicy note.

Coleslaw Mix (1 bag)

  • A crunchy and colorful mix of shredded vegetables.

Green Onions (4, thinly sliced)

  • Adds a mild onion flavor and a pop of color.

Rice Vinegar (1 tbsp)

  • Contributes a mild tanginess to the slaw.

Honey (1 tbsp)

  • Adds a touch of sweetness to the slaw, balancing the vinegar.

Wonton Wrappers (16)

  • Crispy shells that hold all the flavorful fillings.

Sweet Chili Sauce

  • For drizzling, adding a sweet and spicy finish.

Chopped Cilantro

  • Fresh and vibrant, for garnish.

Sesame Seeds

  • Adds a final touch of nutty flavor and crunch.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Prepare the Wonton Shells:

  1. Preheat the Oven: Start by preheating your oven to 375°F.
  2. Shape the Wonton Wrappers: Spray wonton wrappers with cooking spray or brush with a bit of olive/canola oil. Drape them over the sides of a 9×13 baking dish to form taco shapes.
  3. Initial Baking: Bake for 7-8 minutes, watching closely to prevent burning. Once out of the oven, gently pull them apart while still pliable.
  4. Final Baking: Return to the oven for another 7-8 minutes until they are crispy.

Cook the Chicken: 5. Marinate the Chicken: In a large bowl, mix diced raw chicken with hoisin sauce, sesame oil, soy sauce, garlic, and ginger. 6. Sauté the Chicken: Heat a large skillet over high heat and sauté the chicken mixture for 7-8 minutes, tossing frequently until cooked through.

Prepare the Coleslaw: 7. Mix the Slaw Ingredients: In a large bowl, combine the coleslaw mix, green onions, sesame oil, rice vinegar, soy sauce, and honey. Toss well to coat evenly.

Assemble the Tacos: 8. Fill the Wonton Shells: Add the cooked chicken mixture to the crispy wonton shells. 9. Top with Coleslaw: Generously top each taco with the prepared coleslaw. 10. Garnish: Drizzle with sweet chili sauce and sprinkle with chopped cilantro and sesame seeds.

Serve: 11. Serve Immediately: These tacos are best enjoyed fresh. Serve and enjoy the delightful crunch and vibrant flavors.

Storage and Reheating Tips


  • Store leftover chicken and coleslaw separately in airtight containers in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.
  • Keep wonton shells in a dry, airtight container at room temperature to maintain crispness.


  • Reheat the chicken in a skillet over medium heat until warmed through.
  • Assemble the tacos just before serving to ensure the wonton shells stay crispy.

Helpful Tips for Enhancing the Recipe

Use Fresh Ingredients: Always opt for the freshest ingredients to ensure maximum flavor and texture.

Double the Batch: These tacos are a hit at parties, so consider doubling the recipe.

Customize the Slaw: Add shredded carrots, bell peppers, or red cabbage to the coleslaw mix for extra color and crunch.

Spice it Up: For a spicy kick, add a dash of Sriracha to the chicken marinade or the coleslaw.

Homemade Sweet Chili Sauce: Make your own sweet chili sauce for a personalized touch.

Warm the Wontons: If the wonton shells lose their crispness, pop them back in the oven for a few minutes before serving.

Extra Crunch: Add crushed peanuts or fried wonton strips to the slaw for an extra layer of texture.

Herbal Twist: Substitute cilantro with fresh mint or basil for a different herbal note.

Citrusy Zest: Add a bit of lime zest to the chicken marinade for a refreshing twist.

Gluten-Free Option: Use gluten-free soy sauce and wonton wrappers if needed.

Popular Questions and Answers

Can I use pre-cooked chicken?

  • Yes, you can use pre-cooked chicken, just ensure it is diced finely and warmed up before mixing with the sauces.

What can I use instead of hoisin sauce?

  • Alternative: You can substitute hoisin sauce with a mixture of soy sauce, honey, and a bit of peanut butter.

Can I bake the wonton wrappers in a different shape?

  • Certainly: You can use a muffin tin to create cup-shaped wonton shells.

Is there a vegetarian version?

  • Absolutely: Substitute the chicken with diced tofu or a medley of sautéed vegetables.

Can I make the slaw ahead of time?

  • Yes, but dress it just before serving to keep it crisp.

What if I don’t have rice vinegar?

  • Alternative: Use apple cider vinegar or white wine vinegar instead.

Can I use a different protein?

  • Yes, shrimp or pork can be delicious alternatives.

What if my wonton wrappers burn easily?

  • Tip: Keep a close watch and reduce the baking time slightly if necessary.

Can I air-fry the wonton wrappers?

  • Definitely: Air-fry at 350°F for about 5-6 minutes, checking frequently.

Is there a dairy-free option?

  • Yes, all ingredients are dairy-free, but ensure your wonton wrappers are dairy-free too.

Secrets for Achieving Culinary Perfection

Perfect Wonton Wrappers: Ensure even coating with oil to achieve perfect crispness.

Marinate Longer: Let the chicken marinate for at least 30 minutes to enhance the flavor.

Hot Skillet: Cook the chicken in a very hot skillet for a quick sear and juicy texture.

Balance the Flavors: Taste the slaw dressing and adjust the balance of sweet, salty, and tangy according to your preference.

Crisp Veggies: Keep the coleslaw ingredients cold until just before mixing to maintain crunchiness.

Even Dice: Dice the chicken finely and uniformly for even cooking and better texture.

Fresh Garnishes: Use fresh cilantro and sesame seeds for a vibrant, finishing touch.

Layering: Ensure an even distribution of chicken and slaw in each wonton shell for balanced bites.

Stay Organized: Prepare all ingredients before starting to ensure a smooth cooking process.

Presentation: Arrange the tacos on a platter and garnish just before serving for an impressive presentation.

These tips and steps will guide you to create the perfect Applebee’s Chicken Wonton Tacos, ensuring a delightful and satisfying culinary experience every time. Enjoy the process and the delicious results


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