Triple Stack Smash Burgers



Triple Stack Smash Burgers: The Ultimate Comfort Food Delight 🍔

There’s something deeply comforting about biting into a juicy, perfectly seasoned burger. With these Triple Stack Smash Burgers, you’re not just enjoying a meal; you’re indulging in a culinary experience that combines the perfect balance of flavors and textures. Each bite promises a delightful combination of savory beef, melted cheese, crisp pickles, fresh lettuce, and tangy sauce—all embraced by a toasted bun. Perfect for a casual family dinner or a fun get-together with friends, these burgers are sure to impress.

Ingredients Overview

Ground Beef (1 1/2 pounds, preferably 80/20 blend)

  • Choosing an 80/20 blend ensures a perfect balance of juiciness and flavor, thanks to the higher fat content.

Salt and Pepper

  • Essential seasonings to enhance the natural flavors of the beef.

American Cheese (6 slices)

  • Melts beautifully over the patties, adding a creamy, rich layer of flavor.

Hamburger Buns (3)

  • Toasted to a golden brown, these buns provide the perfect base and top for the burgers.

Mayonnaise (1/2 cup)

  • Adds creaminess and helps to bind the other sauce ingredients.

Ketchup (1 tablespoon)

  • Brings a touch of sweetness and tanginess to the burger sauce.

Yellow Mustard (1 tablespoon)

  • Adds a zesty kick to the sauce, balancing the sweetness of the ketchup.

Pickles (1/2 cup, sliced)

  • Provides a crunchy, tangy contrast to the rich beef and cheese.

Lettuce (1/2 cup, shredded)

  • Fresh and crisp, it adds a light, refreshing element to the burger.

Onions (1/2 cup, sliced)

  • Adds a bit of bite and sweetness, complementing the other ingredients perfectly.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Divide and Form the Patties:

  1. Prepare the Beef: Divide the ground beef into 6 equal portions, each weighing about 4 ounces. Form each portion into a loose ball, ensuring they are not tightly packed.

Heat the Skillet or Griddle: 2. Preheat the Cooking Surface: Heat a large skillet or griddle over medium-high heat until it is hot enough to sear the meat effectively.

Smash and Season the Patties: 3. Cook the Patties: Place the beef balls onto the hot surface. Using a sturdy spatula, press down firmly to smash the balls into thin patties. Season each patty generously with salt and pepper. 4. Develop a Crust: Cook the patties for about 2-3 minutes on each side, or until they develop a good crust and are cooked through. 5. Melt the Cheese: During the last minute of cooking, place a slice of American cheese on each patty, allowing it to melt perfectly.

Toast the Buns: 6. Golden Brown Buns: Place the hamburger buns on the skillet or griddle, cut side down, and toast until they are golden brown and slightly crispy.

Prepare the Sauce: 7. Mix the Burger Sauce: In a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise, ketchup, and yellow mustard. Stir until well blended and smooth.

Assemble the Burgers: 8. Layer the Ingredients: Spread the burger sauce on the bottom buns. Add a layer of pickles, followed by shredded lettuce, and then sliced onions. 9. Stack the Patties: Place three cheese-topped patties on each bottom bun, stacking them neatly. 10. Finish with the Top Buns: Crown your masterpiece with the top buns, pressing down slightly to keep everything in place.

Storage and Reheating Tips


  • If you have leftover burgers, store the patties and buns separately in airtight containers in the refrigerator. They can be kept for up to 3 days.


  • To reheat the patties, place them in a hot skillet for about 2-3 minutes on each side, or until heated through. Alternatively, you can microwave them for about 1-2 minutes.
  • Toast the buns in a toaster or on a skillet until they are warm and slightly crispy.

Helpful Tips for Enhancing the Recipe

Use Freshly Ground Beef: Freshly ground beef often has better flavor and texture than pre-packaged options.

Chill the Patties: Before cooking, chill the patties in the fridge for about 10-15 minutes to help them hold their shape better when smashed.

Heavy-Duty Spatula: Use a heavy-duty spatula to smash the patties effectively without them breaking apart.

Season Generously: Don’t be shy with the salt and pepper—seasoning is key to bringing out the best in your beef.

Let the Cheese Melt Fully: Give the cheese enough time to melt completely for that perfect, gooey layer.

Customize Your Sauce: Feel free to tweak the sauce to your liking by adding a bit of hot sauce or finely chopped pickles for extra flavor.

Keep Everything Warm: If you’re making multiple burgers, keep the cooked patties warm in a low oven (about 200°F) until all are ready.

Use Butter for Toasting: Spread a thin layer of butter on the buns before toasting for an extra layer of flavor.

Fresh Ingredients: Always use fresh lettuce, pickles, and onions to maintain the crispness and vibrancy of your burger.

Double Toast the Buns: For an extra crispy bun, toast them twice on the skillet.

Popular Questions and Answers

Can I use a different type of cheese?

  • Absolutely! While American cheese melts perfectly, you can use cheddar, Swiss, or any other cheese you prefer.

What if I don’t have a griddle?

  • A large skillet works just as well. Ensure it’s heated properly before adding the beef.

How can I make the patties less greasy?

  • Using a paper towel, blot the patties lightly after cooking to remove excess grease.

Can I add other toppings?

  • Yes! Feel free to add tomatoes, bacon, avocado, or any other toppings you love.

Is there a vegetarian option?

  • Substitute the beef patties with your favorite plant-based patties for a delicious vegetarian version.

How do I prevent the patties from shrinking?

  • Avoid overworking the meat when forming the patties and ensure the skillet is hot enough to sear the meat quickly.

Can I prepare the patties in advance?

  • Yes, you can form the patties and keep them in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours before cooking.

What if I prefer a thinner sauce?

  • Add a small amount of pickle juice or water to the sauce to thin it out to your desired consistency.

How can I make the burgers spicier?

  • Add a bit of hot sauce or sliced jalapeños to the sauce or directly on the burger.

Can I grill the patties instead?

  • Yes, grilling adds a wonderful smoky flavor. Just follow the same smashing and seasoning instructions.

Secrets for Achieving Culinary Perfection

Fresh Ingredients: Always opt for the freshest ingredients you can find, especially for the ground beef and vegetables.

Proper Seasoning: Season your patties right after smashing them to lock in the flavor.

Don’t Overcrowd the Pan: Cook the patties in batches if necessary to ensure they develop a nice crust.

Temperature Control: Maintain medium-high heat to cook the patties evenly without burning them.

Rest the Meat: Allow the cooked patties to rest for a few minutes before assembling the burgers to retain their juices.

Quality Buns: Invest in good quality buns that can hold up to the juicy patties without falling apart.

Balance the Toppings: Ensure a good balance of crunchy, fresh toppings with the rich, savory patties and cheese.

Patty Size Consistency: Make sure all your patties are the same size for even cooking.

Experiment with Sauces: Try different sauce combinations to find your perfect match.

Presentation Matters: Serve the burgers immediately after assembling to enjoy them at their freshest and tastiest.

Indulge in these Triple Stack Smash Burgers, and let each bite transport you to a place of pure culinary bliss. Happy cooking


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