👉Smash Burger Pancakes


Smash Burger Pancakes: A Savory Twist on a Breakfast Classic

Indulge in a delightful fusion of breakfast and dinner with these Smash Burger Pancakes. This unique recipe combines the light, fluffy texture of pancakes with the savory satisfaction of a classic smash burger, creating a meal that’s perfect for any time of day. Whether you’re preparing a hearty brunch or a fun dinner, these smash burger pancakes will bring a smile to everyone’s face with their delicious and unexpected combination of flavors.

Ingredients Overview

Egg (1, separated)

  • Provides structure and lightness to the pancake batter. Separating the egg and beating the white adds extra fluffiness.

Plain Flour (75g)

  • The base of our pancake batter, creating a smooth and tender texture.

Baking Powder (1 tsp)

  • Helps the pancakes rise, ensuring they’re light and fluffy.

Caster Sugar (1 tbsp)

  • Adds a touch of sweetness to balance the savory elements.

Milk (100ml)

  • Combines with the dry ingredients to form a smooth batter.

Neutral-Tasting Oil (1 tbsp)

  • Used for cooking the pancakes, ensuring they don’t stick and have a golden finish.

15%-Fat Beef Mince (250g)

  • The star of our smash burgers, providing rich flavor and juiciness.

American Cheese or Mild Cheddar (2 slices)

  • Melts beautifully over the beef patty, adding creamy goodness.

Burger Sauce (30ml)

  • Adds tangy and savory notes, tying the dish together.

Sliced Gherkins (40g)

  • Provide a crunchy and tangy contrast to the rich, cheesy burger.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Prepare the Pancake Batter:

  1. Beat the Egg White: Using an electric whisk, beat the egg white to soft peaks. This will make the pancakes extra fluffy.
  2. Mix Dry Ingredients: In a separate bowl, combine the egg yolk, plain flour, baking powder, and caster sugar.
  3. Add Milk: Slowly whisk in the milk to form a smooth paste.
  4. Fold in Egg White: Gently fold the whipped egg white into the yolk mixture, maintaining as much air as possible to keep the batter light.

Cook the Pancakes: 5. Heat the Pan: Heat half the oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat. 6. Cook Pancakes: Spoon in a quarter of the pancake mixture and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side until the edges are set and golden. Repeat to make three more pancakes, keeping them warm in a low oven.

Prepare the Smash Burgers: 7. Heat the Pan: In the same pan, heat the remaining oil over high heat. 8. Form and Cook Patties: Divide the beef mince into two balls. Place one ball in the pan, then use a spatula to smash it down into a thin patty. Cook for 2-3 minutes until browned and crispy. 9. Add Cheese: Flip the patty and place a slice of cheese on top. Cook for another 1-2 minutes until the cheese is melted. Repeat with the second ball of mince.

Assemble the Smash Burger Pancakes: 10. Layer the Components: Start with a pancake, then add a cheesy beef patty, some burger sauce, sliced gherkins, and finish with another pancake. Repeat for the second burger.

Storage and Reheating Tips


  • If you have leftovers, store the pancakes and beef patties separately in airtight containers in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.
  • Keep the burger sauce and gherkins in separate containers to prevent the pancakes from becoming soggy.


  • Reheat the pancakes in a non-stick pan over low heat or in a toaster to regain their fluffiness.
  • Warm the beef patties in a pan over medium heat until heated through. Avoid the microwave as it can make the patties rubbery.

Helpful Tips for Enhancing the Recipe

Use Fresh Ingredients: Freshly ground beef and high-quality cheese make a big difference in flavor.

Season the Beef: Add a pinch of salt and pepper to the beef mince before cooking for extra flavor.

Preheat the Pan: Ensure your pan is hot before adding the beef patties to achieve a perfect sear.

Don’t Overmix the Batter: Overmixing can make pancakes tough. Gently fold the ingredients together.

Customizable Toppings: Experiment with different toppings like caramelized onions, sautéed mushrooms, or avocado slices.

Popular Questions and Answers

Can I use whole wheat flour instead of plain flour?

  • Yes, but the pancakes might be denser. Consider using half whole wheat and half plain flour for a lighter texture.

Can I make this recipe gluten-free?

  • Absolutely! Use a gluten-free flour blend that substitutes 1:1 for plain flour.

What can I use instead of caster sugar?

  • Granulated sugar or even a touch of honey can work as a substitute.

How can I make the burger sauce at home?

  • Mix mayonnaise, ketchup, a dash of mustard, and a bit of pickle juice for a homemade version.

Can I prepare the components ahead of time?

  • Yes, you can prepare the pancake batter and beef patties in advance and cook them when ready to serve.

Secrets for Achieving Culinary Perfection

Achieve a Perfect Sear: Ensure your pan is hot enough to create a crispy crust on the beef patties.

Keep it Simple: Let the high-quality ingredients shine. Don’t overcomplicate the flavors.

Temperature Control: Maintain medium heat for pancakes and high heat for patties for the best results.

Rest the Patties: Allow the beef patties to rest for a few minutes after cooking to let the juices redistribute.

Serve Immediately: These are best enjoyed fresh and hot, so assemble and serve right away for the best experience.

Layering Techniques: For a neat and appealing presentation, carefully layer each component.

Whip the Egg Whites: This step is key for fluffy pancakes, so don’t skip it.

Properly Melt the Cheese: Cover the pan briefly after adding the cheese to help it melt evenly.

Add a Personal Touch: Customize the recipe with your favorite burger toppings.

Perfect Portions: Ensure even portions of pancake batter and beef mince for consistent results.

Indulge in this delightful combination and enjoy the comforting, rich flavors of Smash Burger Pancakes. Happy cooking


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