👉EnglishMuffin Breakfast Pizza



English Muffin Breakfast Pizza: A Delightful Morning Treat

Start your day with a delightful twist on a classic breakfast favorite. These English Muffin Breakfast Pizzas combine the savory goodness of scrambled eggs, breakfast sausage, creamy sawmill gravy, and melted cheddar cheese atop a crispy English muffin. Perfect for busy mornings or leisurely weekends, this recipe offers a comforting and satisfying meal that’s sure to become a family favorite.

Ingredients Overview

English Muffins

  • A package of English muffins provides the perfect base, adding a satisfying crunch and structure to each mini pizza.

Eggs (8)

  • Scrambled to fluffy perfection, these add protein and a soft texture.

Breakfast Sausage (1 lb)

  • Cooked until well-done, this brings a hearty, savory flavor.

Mild Cheddar Cheese (8 oz)

  • Thinly sliced cheddar melts beautifully over the other toppings, adding a rich and creamy finish.

Milk (2 cups for sawmill gravy)

  • Essential for creating the creamy sawmill gravy that ties all the flavors together.

Sausage Drippings (¼ cup)

  • Retained from cooking the sausage, these drippings form the base of the flavorful gravy.

Butter (if needed)

  • Added if there are not enough drippings to reach the required amount for the gravy.

Flour (¼ cup for sawmill gravy)

  • Combined with the drippings to form a roux, which thickens the gravy.

Salt (½ teaspoon for sawmill gravy, or to taste)

  • Enhances the overall flavor of the gravy.

Pepper (¼ teaspoon for sawmill gravy, or to taste)

  • Adds a subtle kick and depth to the gravy.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Prepare the Sausage:

  1. Cook the Sausage: In a cast iron pan, cook the breakfast sausage over medium heat until well done. Remove the sausage from the pan, keeping about ¼ cup of the fat for the gravy. If needed, add butter to make up the difference.

Make the Sawmill Gravy: 2. Create the Roux: With the reserved drippings in the skillet, stir in the flour. Cook over medium heat for 5 to 10 minutes until it begins to turn golden, forming a roux. 3. Add Milk: Gradually add the milk to the roux, stirring constantly to prevent lumps. Continue cooking until the gravy thickens and comes to a boil. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Toast the English Muffins: 4. Toast Lightly: Lightly toast the English muffins until golden. This step adds crunch and ensures they hold up under the toppings.

Scramble the Eggs: 5. Prepare the Eggs: In a non-stick skillet, scramble the eggs. For fluffier eggs, add a dash of milk while beating.

Assemble the Pizzas: 6. Preheat Broiler: Preheat the oven broiler on high. 7. Layer the Toppings: Lay out toasted muffin halves on a baking sheet. Spread a generous layer of sawmill gravy on each muffin half, followed by scrambled eggs, a slice of cheese, and cooked sausage.

Broil the Pizzas: 8. Melt the Cheese: Place the baking sheet under the broiler and cook until the cheese is bubbly and melted. Watch carefully to avoid burning.

Storage and Reheating Tips


  • Refrigeration: Store any leftover breakfast pizzas in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
  • Freezing: For longer storage, wrap each pizza individually in plastic wrap and place them in a freezer-safe bag. Freeze for up to 2 months.


  • Microwave: For a quick reheat, microwave individual pizzas on high for 1-2 minutes or until heated through.
  • Oven: To maintain the crispiness, reheat in a preheated oven at 350°F for about 10 minutes.

Helpful Tips for Enhancing the Recipe

Use High-Quality Ingredients: Choose high-quality sausages and cheese for the best flavor.

Customize Your Toppings: Add vegetables like bell peppers, spinach, or mushrooms for extra nutrition and flavor.

Make It Spicy: Add a dash of hot sauce or sprinkle red pepper flakes for a spicy kick.

Experiment with Cheese: Try different types of cheese like mozzarella, Swiss, or pepper jack for a unique twist.

Perfect Your Gravy: Ensure your roux is golden brown before adding milk to avoid a raw flour taste.

Fluffier Eggs: Add a bit of sour cream or cream cheese to the eggs for extra fluffiness and richness.

Fresh Herbs: Garnish with fresh herbs like chives, parsley, or cilantro for a burst of freshness.

Keep the Muffins Crunchy: Toast the muffins well to prevent them from becoming soggy under the toppings.

Preheat Broiler: Make sure the broiler is fully preheated to ensure even melting of the cheese.

Monitor the Broiler: Keep a close eye on the pizzas while broiling to prevent burning.

Popular Questions and Answers

Can I use other types of muffins?

  • Yes, you can use whole grain, gluten-free, or any other type of muffin you prefer.

Can I make the gravy ahead of time?

  • Absolutely! Store it in the refrigerator for up to 2 days and reheat gently before using.

What can I substitute for breakfast sausage?

  • You can use bacon, ham, or even a vegetarian sausage alternative.

How can I make this recipe healthier?

  • Use turkey sausage, low-fat cheese, and whole grain English muffins.

Can I use pre-shredded cheese?

  • Yes, but thinly sliced cheese melts more evenly and smoothly.

What if I don’t have a broiler?

  • You can melt the cheese in a regular oven set to a high temperature, just watch closely to avoid burning.

Can I add vegetables to the recipe?

  • Absolutely! Sautéed bell peppers, onions, or spinach make great additions.

Can I make this recipe dairy-free?

  • Use a dairy-free milk for the gravy, dairy-free cheese, and a dairy-free butter substitute.

Is this recipe kid-friendly?

  • Yes, it’s perfect for kids! You can also adjust the seasonings to suit their taste.

Can I use a different type of flour for the gravy?

  • Yes, gluten-free flour or whole wheat flour can be used as a substitute.

Secrets for Achieving Culinary Perfection

Perfectly Cooked Sausage: Ensure the sausage is cooked until no longer pink and slightly crispy for the best texture.

Consistent Gravy: Stir continuously while adding milk to avoid lumps and achieve a smooth gravy.

Even Topping Distribution: Spread toppings evenly to ensure each bite has a balance of flavors.

Crispy Muffins: Toast the muffins thoroughly to maintain their crunch even after adding the toppings.

Fresh Ingredients: Use fresh eggs and high-quality dairy for the best flavor and texture.

Watch the Broiler: Keep a close eye on the pizzas under the broiler to avoid burning.

Season to Taste: Taste the gravy and eggs as you cook, adjusting the seasoning to your preference.

Cheese Variety: Experiment with different cheeses for a unique flavor profile each time.

Herb Infusion: Add fresh or dried herbs to the gravy for extra depth of flavor.

Proper Storage: Store leftovers properly to maintain freshness and flavor for reheating.

Indulge in these delicious English Muffin Breakfast Pizzas, and start your day with a flavorful and satisfying meal that everyone will love!



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