


Decadent Butterfinger Caramel Crunch Bars

Indulge in the perfect blend of sweet caramel, crunchy graham crackers, gooey marshmallows, and rich Butterfinger bites with these Butterfinger Caramel Crunch Bars. This recipe is a delightful treat that combines different textures and flavors, making it an irresistible dessert for any occasion. Let’s dive into the ingredients and steps to create this scrumptious dessert!

Ingredients Overview

Main Ingredients

  • Graham Crackers: The base of our bars, providing a subtle sweetness and crunch.
  • Mini Marshmallows: Add a soft, gooey layer that pairs perfectly with the caramel.
  • Caramel Bits: Melted to create a smooth, sweet layer that ties the bars together.
  • Butterfinger Bites: Coarsely chopped for a crunchy, peanut buttery topping.
  • Semi-sweet Chocolate: Melted and drizzled on top for an added touch of decadence.
  • Milk: Helps to smooth out the caramel.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1: Prepare the Pan

Line the Pan: Line a 9×9-inch baking pan with aluminum foil, leaving extra on the sides for easy removal later. Lightly spray the foil with cooking spray.

Step 2: Layer the Base

Lay Out the Graham Crackers: Arrange the graham crackers in a single layer on the bottom of the pan, breaking them if necessary to fit.

Step 3: Add Marshmallows

Sprinkle the Marshmallows: Evenly distribute the mini marshmallows over the graham crackers.

Step 4: Melt Caramel

Heat the Caramel: Place the caramel bits and milk in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high for about a minute, then stir. Continue microwaving in 30-second increments until completely melted and smooth.

Step 5: Spread Caramel

Pour the Caramel: Evenly pour the melted caramel over the marshmallows. The warmth will soften the marshmallows and allow the caramel to seep into the graham crackers.

Step 6: Add Butterfinger

Top with Butterfinger Bites: Sprinkle the coarsely chopped Butterfinger pieces over the caramel layer, pressing them gently into the mixture.

Step 7: Chocolate Drizzle

Melt and Drizzle Chocolate: Melt the semi-sweet chocolate in the microwave in 30-second increments until smooth. Drizzle it over the Butterfinger layer.

Step 8: Chill

Refrigerate: Place the pan in the fridge for about an hour, or until the bars are set.

Step 9: Slice and Serve

Cut into Bars: Once set, use the foil edges to lift the bars from the pan. Peel off the foil and cut into bars. Enjoy!

Tips for Seamless Cooking

Helpful Tip: Use Parchment Paper
For easier removal, consider lining the pan with parchment paper instead of foil. This prevents any sticking and makes cleanup a breeze.

Helpful Tip: Even Layers
When pouring the caramel, spread it quickly and evenly to ensure all the marshmallows and graham crackers are well-coated.

Helpful Tip: Chill Properly
Make sure the bars are fully chilled before slicing to get clean, neat cuts.

Storage and Reheating Tips


  • Refrigerate: Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.
  • Freeze: For longer storage, freeze the bars in a single layer on a baking sheet, then transfer to a freezer-safe container for up to 3 months.


  • Room Temperature: Allow frozen bars to come to room temperature before serving for the best texture.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use a different type of cracker?

  • Answer: Yes, you can use digestive biscuits or other similar crackers.

2. Can I make this recipe without marshmallows?

  • Answer: You can skip the marshmallows, but they add a delightful gooey texture.

3. Can I substitute the Butterfinger bites?

  • Answer: Yes, try using your favorite candy bars or chocolate chips.

4. Is there a non-dairy option for the caramel?

  • Answer: Use coconut milk or almond milk instead of regular milk.

5. How do I prevent the caramel from hardening too quickly?

  • Answer: Work quickly and spread the caramel as soon as it’s melted.

6. Can I make this ahead of time?

  • Answer: Absolutely, these bars can be made a day in advance.

7. What’s the best way to cut the bars cleanly?

  • Answer: Use a sharp knife dipped in hot water and wiped dry.

8. Can I use homemade caramel?

  • Answer: Yes, homemade caramel can be used if you prefer.

9. Can I use dark chocolate for the drizzle?

  • Answer: Dark chocolate works well and adds a richer flavor.

10. What can I add for extra crunch?

  • Answer: Add chopped nuts or pretzels for extra texture.

11. Are these bars gluten-free?

  • Answer: Use gluten-free graham crackers to make this recipe gluten-free.

12. How do I make the caramel layer thinner?

  • Answer: Add a bit more milk to the caramel for a thinner consistency.

13. Can I add a layer of peanut butter?

  • Answer: Yes, a layer of peanut butter can be added before the caramel.

14. How long should I let the bars cool before slicing?

  • Answer: Let them cool for at least an hour.

15. What other toppings can I use?

  • Answer: Try sprinkles, white chocolate, or toffee bits.

16. Can I use caramel sauce instead of bits?

  • Answer: Yes, but it may result in a softer texture.

17. How do I make the bars less sweet?

  • Answer: Reduce the amount of caramel or chocolate drizzle.

18. What type of chocolate works best for drizzling?

  • Answer: Semi-sweet or dark chocolate works best.

19. Can I double the recipe?

  • Answer: Yes, use a larger pan and double all ingredients.

20. What’s the best way to serve these bars?

  • Answer: Serve chilled or at room temperature.

Top 10 Secrets for Achieving Culinary Perfection

Secret: Quality Ingredients
Using high-quality chocolate and fresh graham crackers enhances the overall flavor.

Secret: Even Caramel Spread
Ensure the caramel is evenly spread to avoid any overly sticky spots.

Secret: Freshness Matters
Use fresh marshmallows and Butterfinger bites for the best texture and taste.

Secret: Chill Time
Chill the bars adequately to allow all layers to set properly.

Secret: Neat Slices
Use a sharp knife for clean, professional-looking bars.

Secret: Layering Technique
Press each layer gently to ensure they stick together without crushing the ingredients.

Secret: Garnish
Add a sprinkle of sea salt on top of the chocolate drizzle for a gourmet touch.

Secret: Temperature Control
Maintain consistent oven and chilling temperatures for even setting.

Secret: Customization
Feel free to customize with your favorite toppings or add-ins.

Secret: Presentation
Present the bars on a nice plate or tray to enhance their appeal.

Enjoy creating and indulging in these Butterfinger Caramel Crunch Bars—a delightful treat that’s easy to make and even easier to enjoy!

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