Cheesy Garlic Zucchini Steaks



Cheesy Garlic Zucchini Steaks 🍴🧄🧀

Indulge in the comforting flavors of Cheesy Garlic Zucchini Steaks. This delightful dish is perfect for a serene evening meal, bringing together the freshness of zucchini, the pungency of garlic, and the richness of melted cheese. It’s an easy yet sophisticated recipe that will make your dinner special.

Ingredients Overview

Main Ingredients

  • Zucchini: Choose medium-sized, firm zucchinis for the best texture.
  • Garlic: Fresh garlic finely chopped or grated provides a robust flavor.
  • Crushed Red Pepper Flakes: Adds a touch of heat to balance the richness.
  • Extra-Virgin Olive Oil: Use high-quality olive oil for sautĂ©ing and flavor.
  • Mozzarella and Parmesan Cheese: A perfect blend of creamy mozzarella and tangy Parmesan for a cheesy topping.
  • Fresh Basil: Torn basil leaves add a fresh, aromatic finish.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Step 1: Prepare the Zucchini

Slice and Score: Using a sharp knife, slice each zucchini in half lengthwise to create 4 “steaks.” Score the flesh side of each steak 1/4″ deep diagonally at 1/2″ intervals. Rotate the steaks 90° and score diagonally again to create a crosshatch pattern.

Season and Sit: Season the scored sides with 1 teaspoon of kosher salt. Let them sit for about 15 minutes to draw out excess moisture.

Step 2: Preheat and Prepare the Garlic Oil

Preheat Oven: Place a rack in the center of your oven and preheat to 425°F (220°C).

Make Garlic Oil: In a large skillet over medium heat, cook the garlic and red pepper flakes in 2 tablespoons of olive oil, stirring until the garlic is fragrant (about 1-2 minutes). Scrape the garlic oil into a small bowl and set aside.

Step 3: Sear the Zucchini

Heat Olive Oil: In the same skillet over medium-high heat, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Sear Zucchini: Pat the zucchini dry with paper towels. Arrange 2 zucchini halves flesh side down in the skillet and cook until golden brown on the bottom (about 2-3 minutes). Transfer to a baking sheet flesh side up. Repeat with the remaining zucchini halves and 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Step 4: Bake and Broil

Brush and Bake: Brush the zucchini steaks with the prepared garlic oil. Bake in the preheated oven until tender in the center (about 8-10 minutes).

Top with Cheese and Broil: Top each zucchini steak with mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Turn on the broiler to high and broil until the cheese is melted and browned (about 2-3 minutes), watching closely to avoid burning.

Step 5: Serve

Garnish and Serve: Transfer the zucchini steaks to a platter. Top with fresh basil and additional red pepper flakes. Serve immediately, perhaps alongside a fresh salad or a simple vegetable side.

Valuable Tips for Seamless Cooking

Helpful Tip: Pat the Zucchini Dry
Ensure you pat the zucchini dry thoroughly after salting to achieve a perfect golden-brown sear.

Helpful Tip: Use Freshly Grated Cheese
Grate your mozzarella and Parmesan cheese fresh for the best melt and flavor.

Helpful Tip: Monitor the Broiling
Keep a close eye on the zucchini while broiling to prevent the cheese from burning.

Storage and Reheating Tips


  • Refrigerate: Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.


  • Oven: Reheat in the oven at 350°F (175°C) until warmed through.
  • Microwave: Alternatively, reheat in the microwave on medium power, covered, to retain moisture.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use a different type of cheese?
Yes, you can substitute the mozzarella and Parmesan with other cheeses like cheddar or Gruyère.

2. Can I prepare this dish ahead of time?
Yes, you can prepare and sear the zucchini ahead of time. Assemble and bake just before serving.

3. How do I avoid soggy zucchini?
Salting the zucchini and letting it sit helps draw out moisture, ensuring a crispier texture.

4. Can I add other vegetables?
Absolutely! Bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, or mushrooms would be great additions.

5. What can I serve with this dish?
Pair with a fresh salad, roasted vegetables, or a light pasta dish.

6. Can I use frozen zucchini?
Fresh zucchini is recommended for the best texture, as frozen zucchini tends to be watery.

7. How do I store leftover garlic oil?
Store any leftover garlic oil in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to one week.

8. Can I make this dish vegan?
Yes, substitute the cheese with a vegan alternative and ensure the olive oil is vegan-friendly.

9. How can I make this dish spicier?
Increase the amount of red pepper flakes or add a dash of hot sauce.

10. Can I use an air fryer?
Yes, you can use an air fryer to cook the zucchini, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

11. Is this dish gluten-free?
Yes, all ingredients are naturally gluten-free.

12. How do I know when the zucchini is done baking?
The zucchini should be tender when pierced with a fork and the cheese melted and bubbly.

13. Can I use garlic powder instead of fresh garlic?
Fresh garlic is preferred for the best flavor, but you can substitute with 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder.

14. Can I freeze this dish?
This dish is best enjoyed fresh, but you can freeze leftovers and reheat them in the oven.

15. How can I enhance the garlic flavor?
Add more garlic or use roasted garlic for a deeper flavor.

16. Can I grill the zucchini?
Yes, grilling the zucchini before adding the cheese is a great alternative.

17. What type of olive oil should I use?
Use high-quality extra-virgin olive oil for the best flavor.

18. Can I add meat to this dish?
You can add cooked bacon bits or shredded chicken for additional protein.

19. How do I prevent the cheese from burning?
Watch closely while broiling and remove the dish as soon as the cheese is melted and browned.

20. Can I use a different herb instead of basil?
Yes, fresh parsley or thyme would work well as substitutes.

Top 10 Secrets for Achieving Culinary Perfection

Secret 1: Salt the Zucchini
Salting the zucchini before cooking helps draw out excess moisture, ensuring a firm texture.

Secret 2: Patience with Garlic
Cook the garlic slowly to avoid burning, ensuring it releases its full flavor.

Secret 3: Fresh Cheese
Use freshly grated cheese for the best melting and flavor.

Secret 4: Broil with Care
Keep a close eye while broiling to achieve the perfect golden-brown cheese without burning.

Secret 5: High-Quality Olive Oil
Invest in a good-quality extra-virgin olive oil to enhance the dish’s overall flavor.

Secret 6: Preheat the Oven
Ensure your oven is fully preheated before baking for even cooking.

Secret 7: Crosshatch Scoring
Scoring the zucchini helps it cook evenly and allows the flavors to penetrate better.

Secret 8: Use Fresh Herbs
Fresh basil adds a vibrant flavor and aroma, enhancing the overall dish.

Secret 9: Crispiness
Ensure the zucchini is dry before searing for a perfect golden crust.

Secret 10: Balance of Flavors
Balance the richness of the cheese and garlic with the freshness of basil and the slight heat from red pepper flakes.

Enjoy preparing and savoring these Cheesy Garlic Zucchini Steaks—a delightful, flavorful dish that’s sure to impress!

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