Veggie Pinwheels


Veggie Pinwheels with Chive Cream Cheese and Ranch


  • 2 packs low-carb tortillas
  • 1 cup chive cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup bottled ranch dressing
  • 1 teaspoon dry dill
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup assorted chopped veggies (bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, etc.)


  1. In a medium-sized bowl, mix together chive cream cheese, ranch dressing, and dry dill until well combined. This will be your flavorful spread for the pinwheels.
  2. Lay out a tortilla on a flat surface and spread the cream cheese mixture evenly from edge to edge, covering the entire surface.
  3. Sprinkle a generous layer of shredded cheddar cheese over the cream cheese mixture.
  4. Distribute the chopped veggies evenly over one half of the tortilla. Be creative with your choice of veggies, using a colorful mix for added visual appeal.
  5. Carefully roll the tortilla tightly from the side with the veggies towards the plain side, creating a log shape. The cream cheese spread will help seal the pinwheel.
  6. Once rolled, wrap the tortilla log in plastic wrap. Make sure it’s tightly secured, and place it in the refrigerator to chill for a minimum of 2 hours. Chilling will help the pinwheel set and make it easier to slice.
  7. After chilling, unwrap the tortilla log and slice it into 1/2-inch thick pinwheels.
  8. Arrange the pinwheels on a serving platter and enjoy your Veggie Pinwheels with Chive Cream Cheese and Ranch as a delicious snack or appetizer.

These pinwheels are not only visually appealing but also bursting with flavors. Feel free to customize the recipe by adding your favorite veggies or experimenting with different cheeses for a tasty variation

Creating perfect Veggie Pinwheels with Chive Cream Cheese and Ranch involves a few key tips to ensure both flavor and presentation. Here are some tips to help you make the best Veggie Pinwheels:

  1. Even Spread: Ensure an even spread of the chive cream cheese mixture from edge to edge. This not only provides a consistent flavor but also helps in sealing the pinwheels.
  2. Use Fresh Veggies: Opt for fresh and colorful veggies to enhance both the flavor and visual appeal of your pinwheels. Consider using a mix of bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, or any other favorites you have on hand.
  3. Chill for Optimal Slicing: Chilling the rolled tortilla log for a minimum of 2 hours is crucial. This allows the cream cheese mixture to set, making the pinwheels easier to slice without falling apart.
  4. Tightly Roll the Tortilla: When rolling the tortilla, do it tightly to create a compact log. A snug roll will prevent the pinwheels from unraveling when sliced.
  5. Experiment with Cheese: While cheddar cheese adds a delicious flavor, don’t hesitate to experiment with different cheeses. Consider using Monterey Jack, feta, or a blend of cheeses to add variety.
  6. Customize to Taste: Feel free to customize the cream cheese mixture by adjusting the ratio of chive cream cheese to ranch dressing or adding additional herbs and spices to suit your taste preferences.
  7. Slice with a Sharp Knife: When ready to slice the chilled tortilla log, use a sharp knife to create clean and precise pinwheels. This helps maintain the integrity of the roll and keeps the pinwheels looking neat.
  8. Serve with Dipping Sauce: Enhance the experience by serving the pinwheels with an extra side of ranch dressing or another favorite dipping sauce. This adds an extra layer of flavor and can be appealing to those who enjoy dipping.
  9. Presentation Matters: Arrange the sliced pinwheels on a serving platter with attention to presentation. Consider garnishing with fresh herbs or additional veggies for an aesthetically pleasing display.
  10. Prepare in Advance: These pinwheels are excellent for making ahead of time. Prepare them the night before or in the morning for an event, allowing the flavors to meld and making them a convenient and flavorful party appetizer.

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